In a few weeks time, the next ONL course will start. This blog post is my self-imposed "homework” to understand more about ONL so as to maximise this learning experience.
Focus is on pedagogy, not tools
This course is about using different methods of Digital Media in Teaching and Learning. Not a technical course.
Target audience Anyone who has interest in teaching and learning. In particular, teachers, educational technologists, course developers from universities around the world. Learning across multi-disciplines and cross borders.
Intended Learning outcomes (ILO)
Participant will acquire knowledge, understanding, skills and abilities to:
explain, discuss and reflect on different aspects of online learning such as digital literacy, collaborative learning and openness.
critically reflect on questions concerning open networked learning related to own teaching practice.
Time commitment Around 80 hours, and runs during a period of approximately 12 weeks.
From in-house to international
ONL started in 2014 as an institutional course that has since evolved and gone international. The course continually evolves based on changing conditions in the area of teaching and learning.
Free Course is FOC, as with the best things in life.
Learning by doing
“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn” (Benjamin Franklin).
Teaching approach
Combination of Problem based learning (PBL), Community of Inquiry and Networked Learning, all done online. Specifically the FISh model for PBL.
Diversity and Inclusion
Participants are carefully selected into PBL groups. This allows participants to learn from people with different backgrounds and experiences.
Group roles
Each group has 10 pacs consisting of:
Facilitator x1
Co-facilitator x1 (someone who really enjoyed ONL and came back for more)
Participants x8
Interaction via 3 main channels
Participation is optional. But you will gain much more by getting involved.
Channel | Description | Remarks |
ONL Community space (group work) | A forum area on the website where everyone can participate. | private space |
PBL groups (group work) | Real scenarios will be presented. Solving problems is afterall the heart of PBL. Teams then do a presentation on their proposed solutions to the scenario. Weekly meetings. | private space |
Learning blogs (individual reflections) | Reflections of one's own learning . Participants are encouraged to read other participants' blog reflections, and learn together via peer comments/feedback. | public space |
Pre-course Checklist
Read all course information under “About ONL”
Create a Google & Twitter account
Introduce yourself in the ONL2222 community
Reply to other participants’ introduction posts in the ONL2222 community
Familiarize yourself with Google Drive, Creative Commons and ZOOM
Set up your learning blog and connect it
Note: twitter handle: @openNetLearn | hashtag: #ONL222
To find out more, you can always check out the official ONL website. If you are interested in joining the next cohort, please sign up soon. I look forward to seeing you there!
Benedict Chia
13 Aug 2022